THE Largest gap in most biosecurity programs is in transport and delivery. you know everything about your fields, barns, and processing facilities – it’s time to include your trucks on that list and stay ahead of the biggest threat to your business.
Biosecurity is about more than just keeping an eye on what’s already out there – it’s also important to make sure your team is proactive about what could be coming. Agistics is here to help your operation with both, especially when responding to active Biosecurity threats as they arise in real time.
Global Biohazard Avoidance Zones
PRRS. PED. African Swine Fever. Avian Influenza. Salmonella. The next biosecurity threat could be just around the corner. And while you’re protecting your operation at home, Agistics is partnered with the USDA to ensure you’re protected on the road as well. With Global Biohazard Zones determined by the USDA, Agistics will re-route your Drivers to ensure they avoid contact with any outbreaks that could threaten your peace of mind.

Company-Specific Avoidance Zones
Taking Avoidance Zones one step further, your team can also set your own. Want to expand the reach of a Global Zone? Just create a bigger boundary. Are your Drivers reporting a road as unpassable or a bridge that’s out? Your team can quickly create an avoidance zone to re-route the rest of your fleet in real-time. Use these avoidance zones to guide and protect your Drivers and your fleet however you see fit.
Sanitation Steps & Wash Verification
With built-in steps to ensure your biosecurity protocols are being followed, your Drivers will never miss a beat. Agistics allows you to schedule pre- and/or post-load truck washes, routes drivers to company-approved wash facilities, and provides verification tools to certify that sanitation tasks have been completed.